Aug 14, 2023Liked by Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D.

yes, it seems many are confused between self-effacement & humility. And I would also say vanity & pride. To me, a simple distinction between healthy pride, (not above or below) & vanity is that healthy pride includes humility, & vanity doesn't.

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cg-- NIcely put. Yes, taking pride in your ability to open to the larger and higher FOR ITS OWN sake definitely contrasts with vanity (showy piety, for instance) and the way it makes you look to others. Humble-bragging is simple affectation and vainglory. Self-effacement erases the very soul who is meant to be in humility to spirit. That is why "spiritual confidence" demands the healthy pride you indicate. There needs to be a REAL person there for true humility, not a fake person (vanity) or a non-person (self-effacement). :0)...

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Thank you Zeus for this amazing content.

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Jayeson, thanks. Yours is high praise, and I feel led to continue sharing this stuff coming through me!

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